Juneteenth Turkey Stearnes Home Run Derby
The Juneteenth Turkey Stearnes Home Run Derby is conducted by the Turkey Stearnes Foundation (TSF) on Norman “Turkey” Stearnes Field at Historic Hamtramck Stadium (HHS). This event is a home run hitting competition for Detroit area high school seniors to earn college scholarships. Funded by the Hamtramck Parks Conservancy (HPC) and the Coville-Triest Family Foundation, this is an annual event.
This year’s winners were Tyler Morehouse ($3,000 scholarship) and Dylan Larkins ($1,500).
Tyler Morehouse & Dylan Larkins
Tyler Morehouse
The TSF Juneteenth Multidisciplinary Art Contest is conducted by the TSF on the same field and is judged by its board members. High school seniors create an activity or artwork that portrays the Juneteenth holiday and how to provide equity to people of color to earn college scholarships. Sponsored by the Turkey Stearnes Foundation and the Friends of Historic Hamtramck Stadium (FHHS) it is an annual event.
This year’s $2500 scholarship winners were Daniel Ugochukwu and Gabrielle McCrimmon.
Daniel Ugochukwu, Joyce Stearnes Thompson & Gabrielle McCrimmon